If you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) at Star of the Sea College, please download the Enrolment Form, complete and forward to our Office Administration. When enrolling children, please include a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate, the child’s immunisation records and, if applicable, copies of previous school reports and NAPLAN (the school is able to make copies and return the original).
One enrolment form is required per child. All parts of the form need to be filled in to satisfy Government requirements.
Star of the Sea Catholic College is a low-fee paying school. The payment of school fees helps the College to provide the wide range of experiences that it currently does. Family discounts and fee relief options are available by contacting the College bursar. We will not let the inability to pay fees stand in the way of any family who desire a Catholic education for their children. The fee structure can be downloaded here.
View/Download our Uniform price list here.
View/Download our Fee structure
View/Download our Parent Information Booklet here