SWPBS is a support approach for establishing the social culture and behavioural support needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students.
Its features include:
- Explicit teaching of positive social expectations;
- Clarity about what those expectations are;
- Acknowledgement and rewards for appropriate behaviour;
- Consistent consequences for unacceptable behaviour;
- The use of data about behaviour for decision-making.
SWPBS is not a program, curriculum, intervention or practice but is a decision making framework that guides selection and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioural practices for improving important academic and behaviour outcomes for all students. School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a research driven and evidence based process that was developed over 20 years ago and is now internationally recognised, is supported by training and is backed by a wide range of resources.
In support of genuine implementation and impact, the key PBS expectations are devised at whole school level and are embedded in the ethos and practice through commitment by all members of the College community. Through a process of fully inclusive consultation we developed our PBS mantra at the outset of our commitment to the system. We operate against the understanding that…
At Star of the Sea we are Safe, Respectful, Engaged Learners.
What does SWPBS look like?
At a School Wide level:
- Students are able to state the behavioural expectations
- Students are recognised for appropriate behaviours
- All staff know the expectations
- Data is collected and used for decision making
- It is a team-based process
At Classroom level:
- Classroom-wide positive expectations are taught and encouraged
- Teaching classroom routines and cues are taught and encouraged
- A ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction is ideal
- Active supervision
- Re-directions for minor, infrequent behaviour errors
- Effective academic instruction and curriculum
In Non classroom Setting:
- Positive expectations and routines are taught and encouraged
- Active supervision by all staff (scan, move, interact)
- Pre-corrections and reminders
- Positive reinforcement
Individual Student Support:
- Function-based behaviour support planning
- Team and data based decision making
- Comprehensive person-centred planning
- Targeted social skills and self-management instruction
- Individualised instructional and curricular accommodations
Our positive recognition system in our Primary school is the use of Shout Outs, where positive behaviours are recorded, displayed and published. Weekly draws occur for prizes and larger prizes are awarded at the end of each term. Every Shout Out receives an entry into the draw. In our Secondary school our students are given orange slips for displaying positive behaviour which they can enter into a fortnightly draw for prizes.
Any student demonstrating a behaviour inconsistent with our expectations experiences a set of responses detailed in our Behaviour Response Chart. These responses are meant to ensure that the student restores acceptable practice and repairs any break in relationships or class spirit.
If behaviour is deemed to be a ‘Major Problem’ behaviour or an on-going ‘Minor Problem’ behaviour a student may receive additional consequences. Consequences may include such things as internal suspension, after-school detention, relocation, community service, loss of privileges, student contract etc. This is dependent on the age of the student and on what inappropriate behaviours are demonstrated. In these more serious situations parents will be contacted by phone.
All the incidents (Major and Minor) are recorded into a database so that we can monitor progress and review our procedures. We are pleased to report that since this system has been in place there has been a significant decrease in the number of behavioural concerns. This then translates into improved learning outcomes for everyone. Working in partnership and as a cohesive team, with a set system, it is clear that we are making a positive difference in our College community.